Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drop and Give Me 50 Pushups!

By Ross Forman

Brad Cain is an honest, hard-working, motivating friend of mine. Known worldwide by his alter-ego, Lodi, Brad is a pro wrestler who made a name for himself in World Championship Wrestling (WCW).

One of my favorite Brad stories dates back to January, 2009, when I was in Brad’s hometown – Charlotte, N.C. – for about a week in conjunction with a Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling show.

I went to Brad’s gym (shameless plug: http://www.yourflexappeal.com/) for a few workouts under his watchful eye.

I had, at that time, already run several marathons, and since Brad had not run any at that point (and still has not), I was quick to brag. Probably not a good move on my part.

Naturally, Brad abused me with some strenuous leg workouts. He also got me good with some upper-body workouts … and then the pushups.

Yep, the simple pushup. Brad told me to do 50 pushups at one point, so I dropped into position.

And did, oh, about five.

Brad laughed. He’s probably still laughing at the memory.

To this day, Brad hasn’t forgotten, and has reminded me way too often about my atrocious pushup performance.

Fast forward to New Years Day 2011, I started the Insanity workouts, run by Shaun T, as part of my training for the Tel Aviv Marathon on Friday morning, April 8. Insanity is cardio-based, with plenty of plyometrics, jumping, squatting … and pushups.

Yep, those damn pushups, again.

I’ve done more pushups in 2011 than at any time in my life, though that's my choice. I do them in Insanity workouts and also do them on my own. I focus on perfect form, and while I do the set number each Insanity workout, I also do varying numbers on my own – at Bally’s Total Fitness, in a hotel room while traveling, or at home.

I want to do 50 pushups in a row, with no stops, and most important, with perfect form. Might not happen today, or tomorrow, but soon, very soon – and Lodi then better carry a sign to his next match boasting my feat. And yes, the pushups help the running.

It’s now a matter of days before I head overseas for the Tel Aviv Marathon. I can’t wait. I’m super excited, even though I really know nothing about this marathon – the course route, the expected weather, the number of participants, etc. I haven’t seen much in English about this marathon, unfortunately.

But, I know I’m ready – Shaun T and Insanity made sure of that. Shaun T was my coach, of sorts, for Tel Aviv, and when I return to the U.S., I will begin coaching marathoners through the Team To End AIDS (T2) endurance-training program. I know it will be a difficult task for many T2 participants, but we will Dig Deeper all summer long while running along the lakefront in Chicago … and then rock it on race day!

Can’t wait to report from Tel Aviv … and do more pushups, believe it or not. Shalom!


PS … If you want to know more about Insanity, P90X, Shakeology or any of the other Team Beachbody products, please visit my website: http://www.runwithross.com/.

PSS … And if you want to know my current favorite song, see below.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Next Stop: Tel Aviv

By Ross Forman

I have a mix of emotions heading into the Tel Aviv Marathon on Friday morning, April 8, which will be my 11th marathon over about 3 ½ years. Let’s see:

* Excitement. Just the fact I’m traveling around the world for my next 26.2-mile journey has me super excited. It’s Lufthansa going via Frankfurt and LOT coming home via Warsaw. Sure, I’m not too thrilled with my flights, but hey, how bad can LOT’s business class truly be?! (United doesn’t fly from Chicago to Tel Aviv, or you can bet I’d be flying on United.)

* Optimism. I have a feeling that I will run a PR in Tel Aviv – that’s Personal Record to you non-runners. Just a hunch, but I’m feeling it, probably more than before any marathon. Credit goes to Shaun T and his Insanity workouts. You know, the high-intensity, seemingly-impossible workouts from the same people that produce the super-popular, always-on-TV P90X. I’ve been digging deeper with Shaun T daily in 2011. Yes, Insanity was part of my New Year’s Resolution – and I’ve stuck to it. It’s a 60-day cycle that I carried through relentlessly. My 60-days ended in early-March, yet I’m rockin’ Insanity for the next month or so en route to the starting line in Tel Aviv.

* Nervousness. Let’s face it, anytime you’re going to the Middle East, I think there are natural nerves.

* Prepared. This actually is an extension of Optimism. I’ve already run two races in 2011, and had great results in both. I set a PR at the ING Miami Half Marathon on Sunday, Jan. 30 – by more than 10 minutes over my previous best time over a 13.1-mile course. I also surpassed my rapid, pre-race goal for the 8.15-mile Great Aloha Run on Feb. 21, through the streets of Honolulu – by almost 4 minutes. Again, I’m giving credit for my running success this year to Shaun T. Losing weight, tightening up my core and a strict, healthy diet are the reasons for my running success so far in 2011. I’ve lightened the training for Tel Aviv, in terms of the number of training runs, but certainly not the amount of cardio and plyometric conditioning that I’ve done.

I will be coaching for the Team To End AIDS (T2) endurance-training program this summer, and was in St. Louis March 4-6, to attend the three-day, 22-hour USA Track & Field coaching certification course. I’m sure the training will help the T2 runners this summer – and also in case I decide to look for a job coaching the discus, pole vault, high jump, or any other track & field/cross-country activity. But I don’t see that happening. T2 training for the sold-out Bank of America Chicago Marathon (Oct. 9) kicks off April 30 – and, yes, you can still register for the Chicago Marathon through T2. I’m super excited!!

I also have joined the list of Coaches for Team Beachbody, thanks to my success with Insanity. Please check out my website, http://www.runwithross.com/ for full information. It’s great working with, and getting to know, so many other dedicated individuals through Team Beachbody, where success stories abound thanks to Insanity, P90X, Shakeology and the other motivating fitness formulas. Yes, they do work!! Give it a shot. You will be pleased; I know I am. And let me know how I can help you!

I’d love to tell you all about the Tel Aviv Marathon. In fact, I’d love to tell you, ugh, almost anything about this race beforehand. From the expected race-day weather to the course route. But that’s not going to happen. Sure, event organizers send out a regular e-newsletter, and it looks great. Problem is, it’s all in Hebrew. At least the photos look nice. Requests for an English version have not come yet. Suggestions for things to see and do in Tel Aviv?

That’s about it for now. Here’s hoping spring weather comes and stays. Bye-bye, winter!
