I’ve flown El Al, the national airline of Israel, only once ever – and yet I completely understand how it annually ranks No. 1 worldwide for Best Airline Security.
I flew from the U.S. to Germany on Lufthansa about 15 years ago, and then was connecting on El Al into Tel Aviv. Sure enough, I was grabbed for extra security measures by El Al officials – and they don’t mess around.
They brought me into a private room, asked me about 101 questions, such as, where I was going, where I was staying, when was my return flight, etc., etc.,

When I was finally cleared, they took me and my possessions from a private room and – to my amazement – I then had to go back through the standard airport metal detectors, even though they had oh-so-thoroughly searched me and my possessions for about an hour.
I remember asking the agent why he had me go back through the metal detector after their search, especially since the flight was already boarding. That’s standard procedure, he said.
I guess that’s why El Al is the best … I just hope things are a bit easier when I return to the skies with El Al. I am flying from New York City to Tel Aviv in mid-March, and then will be running the annual Jerusalem Marathon on Friday morning, March 16.
It will be my 15th marathon in about 4 ½ years – those are the stats that still shock me. I ran my first marathon in late-2007 in Florence, Italy, and, even on race-day, I wasn’t 100 percent sure I could complete the 26.2-miles.
Now I’m heading to the Middle East for a milestone marathon that certainly will be my most

What is fun, or perhaps it’s a peace offering of sorts, is the goodie-bag that arrived in late-February from – believe it or not – El Al. The airline’s domestic PR department sent me one of those trendy blue draw-string backpacks, filled with El Al-emblazed knickknacks. Let’s see, there’s a pen, the combo keychain-flashlight, the pad of paper, deck of cards, and even a foam airplane, among other goodies.
I have an aisle seat on both El Al flights, as requested. But the double-digit seat number is higher, much higher, than I have grown accustomed to on United Airlines.
I wonder what food will be served on-board, though I’ll have Beachbody protein bars, just in case. I’ll also have a book, some magazines, no doubt some newspapers and my iPad. Am leaning toward watching Money Ball on the way there, if I’m not sleeping. Any movie suggestions?
I feel good about this run. Physically and mentally, I’m ready. I know my standard Insanity workouts, with the regular plyometrics, will pay dividends along the course. I curse Shaun T today; I thank him on race day.

Hope everyone has a good, safe run … and flight!
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