1. Running the Jerusalem Marathon in March, the first of
four marathons that I ran. This was, without question, the most difficult
marathon I have ever run, probably ever will run. But so many fun times,
so many laughs on the week-long trip with Jennifer Scroggins, Irit Doron and
others. Running through the Old
City was amazing. (Hey Jennifer, I can’t wait for our next
eggplant extravaganza, with coffee from Juan Valdez.)
2. Wiping banana cream pie off my face and clothes in
August after a Coaches Fundraiser for the Team To End AIDS, benefiting the AIDS
Foundation of Chicago. Paul Ketz donated $300 to AFC to Pie His Favorite
Coach, me. (Thanks, Paul ... I think.) In December, I was so
proud to be Paul’s coach for the Honolulu Marathon – and was happy to donate $1
to AFC on behalf of Paul’s finishing time on the 26.2-mile run through Paradise after he won our bet
3. Seeing a teary-eyed Aiden Valenciano, among his family
and friends, after he finished the Chicago Triathlon in August. Was so
proud of him, so proud to be a T2 Coach at that moment. I’ll always remember that “I did it” hug he
gave me.

5. Surpassing 2 million flown on United Airlines. Most
of my miles have been domestic, so yes, it’s a lot of takeoffs, landings, lousy
meals, crabby flight attendants and miserable passengers. I still always would
rather fly to, say, Indianapolis
than drive three hours. Going on several amazing behind-the-scenes
tours at various airports and even United’s downtown Chicago headquarters, with Will Melnyczenko
and Jordan Conover, were highlights.
6. Pro wrestling remains on my resume, and it still amazes
me. Early in the year, I was talking to Hulk Hogan, who I have worked
with for 15 years yet, to be honest, I really didn’t even know if he knew my
name. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is “Brother” to Hogan. But mid-sentence, he stopped and said, “Mr.
Forman, back in the day, we both had more hair.” And minutes later, Hogan
addressed me simply as, “Ross.” That
answered that question.
8. I got to umpire or referee so many memorable
baseball, hockey and softball games. Some less-than-memorable games, too,
but that goes with the territory. It really is an honor when players,
coaches, fellow officials and others say, as they often did this
year, “Ross, you really look like you’re having fun officiating.” Because I am.

10. I wanted to pick out a few memorable stories that
I wrote in 2012, but that was nearly impossible.
My list was in double-digits before I knew it. Thanks to,
literally, hundreds who have let me share their lives with my written words,
and maybe even a photo or two that I took. As my Mom tells me often,
Grandma Hariette would be so proud that I am a writer. Thanks Tracy Baim,
Andrew Davis, my editors at the Daily Herald, and the other newspapers and
magazines that featured “By Ross Forman” at the start of a story.
12. Running the last
2 miles of the Chicago Marathon in October were the most emotional miles I have
ever run. Crying for personal reasons,
it meant a lot to get a hug and words of encouragement from Coach Jamie, more
than she knows. After finishing, I broke
down again, thankfully away from others – except for the T2 runner from Washington D.C. ,
who I didn’t know, nor did he know me. But,
we both wore red T2 shirts and I’m very appreciative for his hug and words of
encouragement, even though I don’t know his name and never have had the chance
to thank him.
Here’s hoping 2013 is as memorable 2012 was,
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