She was running for Mom and Dad, it said on the back of her tank top.
I was running for Michael Michaelevich and Brant Gniewek.
I was proud to have their initials – MM and BG – written on my right forearm for my 26.2 mile run July 4 on
As I approached Mile 16, my legs started cramping. First, my quads, and then my calves. It was miserably painful, and not much seemed to help, stop, or even slow the pain.
I wasn’t sure at that point if I would finish.
But I know Michael and Brant were watching out for me.
Ultimately, I crossed the Finish Line and it was cool to hear the announcer say by name as I approached the end of this Independence Day run.

I kissed the wristband as I crossed most mile-markers along the course.
I looked at the lettering on my arm several times as my legs were yelling at me.
This race was my most challenging.
This race also was my most rewarding.
My next confirmed marathon is the Honolulu Marathon in December, which I will be running for the sixth consecutive year. That will be Marathon No. 20 – at least as of today it will be.
As with most other marathon addicts, we finish one race and then immediately look online for our next, even as I reflect on the intense cramping pain I endured on the streets of

Still, I soon will be online looking for another marathon to run.
My 20th marathon needs to be somewhere special. Sure,
That’s the insanity of marathon runners, myself included.
Happy (and pain-free) running,
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