Sunday, July 29, 2007

Florence Avenue - July 29, 2007

By Ross Forman

    I don't pay too much attention to street signs when I'm running. I just know that I'll run about 20 minutes away from home, then head back about the same distance and time coming back. During the week, you see, I'm running two or three times - Mondays and Wednesdays for sure, maybe Thursdays too - in preparation for the longer Saturday runs with the group.
    The other day, though, I spotted a street sign that, well, was maybe fate.  About a seven-minute run from my front-door was the sign for FLORENCE AVENUE.
    How fitting, as I continue my preparation for the 2007 Florence Marathon on Nov. 25 as part of the National AIDS Marathon Training Program (NAMTP).
    My last group-run in July was a 7-mile journey, heading south along the path between Lake Shore Drive and Lake Michigan.
    I finished in 1:21.18, which actually was about three minutes faster than my 12-minute-mile pace.  I felt great after the run - no pain, no fatigue. I was among the first finished from the Florence and Las Vegas marathoners and the Vegas half-marathoners, and thus among the first to hit the post-run food table, which always is loaded with bananas, bagels, Gatorade, peanut butter and other goodies.
    And I also split a Rice Krispie treat with Coach Katie ... that's our personal favorite.
    I'm now less than four-months away from race-day; I can't believe it.  Hopefully those who have not yet contributed in my drive to support the AIDS Foundation of Chicago through the NAMTP will do so.  It's easy and helps a great cause.  Simply go to:
    Thanks again,

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